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Founded in June 2017, CoderBabu has become a prominent name in the industry now. As the name suggests, we are #1 (CoderBabu) choice when it comes to IT development for your company and applications.

We seek to develop products that add flavor to the lives of human race and make them a little less boring. We tug baby steps at a time to develop a small and limited scale app and then escalate it on a much larger scale. That's the #approach we follow.

We are primarily a product based IT firm. However, CoderBabu also welcomes service based applications. That's the #progress graph we endeavor.

We don’t promote discrimination. We instill the equal amount of enthusiasm and excitement in providing service to small ventures as well. That's the reason why our customers #love us.

CoderBabu believe in not only creating history but also future. And that's how some of the products it developed in the past have been ahead of time. That's the key to our #success.